- Start investing as early as possible. It takes significantly less money to accomplish what you want, and you have more time working for you.
- Be determined to save on a regular basis. It is an easy way to accumulate wealth.
- Begin investing with the largest possible sum you can. You will have more money working for you over a longer period of time.
- Reach for the highest rate of return you believe you can safely receive on your money over time. Each additional percent is important. The higher the rate, the less money it takes to accomplish what you want.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
What is the goal this Xmas?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
5 Ways to Succeed with Your Financial Plan
You won't be able to succeed if your goals are huge. I suffer from this problem – if I have a huge project in front of me, I won't even get started! I'll just procrastinate and leave it alone. With a goal like "Solve my financial problems," I have no chance of succeeding. However, if I break down the goal to something manageable, such as 'Send an extra one thousand naira with my bill payment,” the goal is a lot easier to achieve! In fact, this is an excellent way to pay down your debt faster.
Do you have any other friends who are in the same situation with their personal finances? If you know anyone – even your spouse will work, but other friends are even better – who wants to work with you, meeting your goals will be a lot easier. A partner will offer encouragement, help, and advice as you follow your plan.
You should be reminded of your goal every time you are in a position of temptation to break it. For example, I have a bad habit of cracking my neck, so I wear a bracelet on my hand that reminds me of my goal whenever I feel the urge. I even turned it into a game – if I fail and do crack my neck, I move the bracelet to the other wrist. If I don't have to move it once in a day, I win! You might put a reminder in your wallet, which you will see every time you are about to spend money. Think of the areas where you can improve, and make sure the goal will be fresh in your mind when the situation arises.
Always have a next step: a goal is achievable if it is simple, clearly designed, and realistic. Every time you complete a step in pursuit of your goal, make sure that your next step is obvious. What exactly do you need to do next to improve your financial situation?
When you make the decision to succeed, to break your old habits and to meet your goal, you are declaring war on your old ways. I have a giant sign taped to my computer that simply says “WAR” – it represents my war on procrastination. When you make the decision to fix your financial situation, you have made a huge step towards winning. You have to keep that enthusiasm with you always if you want to achieve your goal.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Did you know that being unselfish can actually be selfish?
I was completely wrong.
Do you know your most important asset? Your home? Nope. Your car? Nope. Your most important asset is you. Yes, you.
Without you, you don't have an income. Without you, your parents don't have a child. You are a producer, and if you're not 100% then how can you produce at 100%? Assets support cash flow. You are your most important asset. You need cash flow to prosper and pay your bills. But are you taking the time to nurture and protect your most valuable asset? If you're like I used to be, probably not.
Here are seven practical ways to protect and grow your most valuable asset: You.
This is hands-down the fastest and simplest way to improve your productivity. With enough sleep each night, you won't need to down those 3 cups of coffee just to get going in the morning. With the right amount of sleep your body property handles food processing. You're less cranky. You're more creative.
Relationships are a two-way street. Sometimes they are life-giving and refreshing, other times they are life-draining and depressing. Good healthy relationships go both ways. If you're constantly dealing with relationships that are life-draining and you're not a counselor by trade, it's time to cull your list of friends.
Is dropping friends harsh? Yes, but again, taking care of yourself is not selfish. If you're worn down by numerous draining relationships, what will happen when one of your healthy relationships actually needs you? You'll be too drained to help.
To be able to produce at a high level, you cannot be concerned with factors outside your control. Insurance may be costly, but the peace of mind it provides (Automotive, Health, Life, Property) can provide you with a huge return on your money.
While the cost of insurance is important, your focus should be “how will this improve my ability to produce more income?” Insurance is about transferring risk. The more risk you can transfer away from yourself, the better you will sleep at night and the more productive you will be.
The biggest problem for many hard workers is fuel. It's not that we don't eat. It’s that we don't eat well. We stock up on coffee, Red Bull and fast food to make it through the day. Eating balanced and healthy meals will not only make you feel better, you'll live longer as well.
. Now you have no excuse. Fueling yourself properly is both a short and long term investment in your MVA (most valuable asset).
When you begin to view yourself as your most valuable asset, your mindset changes dramatically. One area that changed dramatically for me personally was in the area of education. I used to feel guilty about buying a fantastic new business book, or wanting to go to a thousand dollar conference. No more.
I'm serious. Get down and do them right now.
Did you do them? If you did, I'll bet you feel better now. Exercise makes everything better. You'll live longer. You'll feel better. You'll look hotter.
Put “nothing” on your schedule. Of course, you'll not actually end up doing “nothing”, but you need to schedule that time in if you're not getting enough of it. Maybe you read a book, or go for a jog, or spend time with your kids. Just put it on the schedule.
It may sound selfish to think of yourself as your most important asset. It isn't. In fact, protecting your ability to produce and grow is one of the most unselfish things you can do for your family and your future.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Do You Know Where Your Money Goes?
There are many ways to track your monthly expenses. What matters is that you track expenses, not how you track them. You can track things in whatever way makes sense for you: using a program designed for that purpose, using a basic spreadsheet, or even good ol' pen and paper.
You can't expect to save N10,000 a month (or whatever your goal is) if you only have N1000 left after all of your expenses. Without accurately tracking your expenses, you’ll likely be frustrated if you cut back on spending and don't see the results you expect -- even if your goals were not reasonable.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Give your children a Gift that will keep on Giving.
There are different ways to accomplish this. If you already use a stockbroker, there might be offerings available to help you, so check that out first. You can also use a service like http://www.investordelight.com/ to track their investments in all kinds of graphs and get them accustomed to online investing.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How do you manage your TIME?
The point is that there are usually a small number of critical tasks that, if completed, would make it a successful and productive work day. While this discussion deals with tasks at work, the method also works in other situations, such as household tasks. The problem arises from the fact that the critical tasks are typically associated with some level of discomfort and so we do our best to avoid them. We introduce other, less important, tasks into our lives to stay busy and avoid the tasks we really need to get done. By removing those non-essential tasks and focusing on getting the critical, yet uncomfortable, tasks done, we can accomplish a successful day's worth of tasks in a short amount of time.
Friday, November 14, 2008
PROCASTINATION - No1 Investment Mistake
Time and amount of money required are inversely proportional. What this means is the more time you have, the less money you need to invest. The longer you wait to get started with your investments, the more money you will have to put in to get the same type of return as somebody that started earlier.
Waiting five years to start investing cost Stanley N272,355.82, and waiting ten years to start investing cost Mark a total of N446,309.40. That's almost half a million naira (ignoring taxes).You might be looking for the right time to start investing. The only "right time" to start investing is today. Putting off investing for any reason is going to cost you much more in the long run than getting the timing correct.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Are you investing for the right reason?
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
How to Break Up With Your Bank.
- Location Change: You might be moving to another location and need to avoid long distance charges by your bank for operating an account not domiciled in your geographical location
- Poor customer service: A repeated pattern of negative interactions with customer service can be frustrating, especially if you prefer a human touch on your cold-hard finances. Again, there's no reason to put up with this when you can easily go elsewhere.
- Opening a new joint account: If you get married or form a domestic partnership, you may want to get a joint account with your spouse. If the two of you use different banks, at least one of you will need to switch. The same holds true in any situation where two people decide to combine finances into a joint account.
Switching banks takes some work, but almost all of that work can be done online these days. You usually won't have to wait on hold on the phone or visit the bank in person. The most challenging steps in the process are choosing your new bank and simply remembering to switch all your linked accounts. It's an inconvenience to be sure, but it can improve your financial situation, and if you're moving, it's often a necessary evil. No matter what your reason for switching, changing banks gives you the opportunity to secure lower fees, higher interest rates and better customer service.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Cut your food bills in half - Save Extra Cash.
Necessity is the mother of invention and the credit crisis facing the economy what with the Stock Exchange losing over 30% of its value from March 2008 till Date.
Read the full story below of Kelly Parry, a hairstylist who reduced her family's food bills and they took a vacation wtih the savings (Source : www.telegraph.co.uk )
The Welsh family whose savings paid for a holiday in Spain
Kelly Parry, 27, a hairstylist from Brecon, decided to ditch her weekly food trip in favour of a fortnightly shop.
This proved an effective way to avoid impulse buys and forced her to plan ahead. She started "stretching" her food shopping six months ago when her weekly grocery bill became too high. She is married and has a baby girl, aged one, and a teenage daughter.
She said: "We buy food in Asda, as we both work full time, we live off frozen food and use up what's in the freezer. I know we are supposed to eat healthily, but frozen food lasts longer."
Talking about the rising cost of food, she added: "It's so expensive we can't afford to chuck it away. It takes us 25 minutes to drive to the supermarket to go food shopping and the price of petrol is going up."
She wanted to see if she could stretch her family's food shopping to last three weeks.
"I made fresh food such as a shepherd's pie, which we ate with chips, and I froze the other half for another time. I also froze two loaves of bread a week as this lasts longer. I also looked out for bargains such as three for two offers or buying two items for £5 on meat products and made my own curry.
"I'm not bothered about cake and chocolate but my 14- year-old, Danielle, can be a fussy eater. If we didn't have kids, we could budget without chocolate and crisps. I'm not fussed about breakfast, but because of the kids, I have got to have food there. You've got to have a certain amount of food in the freezer when you have kids.
"It was tricky trying to stretch it to three weeks. By Wednesday in the last week, we were already on leftovers and we were not left with a great deal. We spent £30 buying milk, tea, sugar, the odd can of beans and potatoes and extra ingredients to go with main meals. We had to go out and buy more as there was nothing left for making meals before the next big shop."
Setting out to buy sufficient food for three weeks, she brought the cost of her average weekly shop down from £107 to £46, saving an average of £61 a week. She said: "We still go to Asda but only once a month if we need to. If we have to top up on bread or milk, we go to Morrisons. Because of the price of food, it's hard to make it last and with petrol on top, that's why we only go once a month. We have to stretch, the only thing not going up is the wages.
"When we first tried to stretch, we used to buy all the offers, but we still had to top up to make a meal. Now we're more organised with meals and add more variety, like taking a stir fry for lunch, or making a sausage casserole."
The family do admit they are making fewer savings now as they have to top up more often but what they do save goes into a holiday fund. The effort to cut costs has really paid off, enabling her family to enjoy a week-long holiday in Ibiza.
She added: "Until we started stretching the pounds, we didn't think about how we shopped. We used to go around the supermarket and grabbed whatever we fancied off the shelf. I didn't think about it. Everyone likes the nice things – but when you have a family of four, it's worth doing to make a saving."
Get the full story from http://tinyurl.com/66h87h
Read on and resuce expenses for your food.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to get out of debt.
- Stop acquiring new Debt: If you are thingking of getting out of debt, never aquire a new one. Being in Debt is already a big challenge so why get sunk in the more. Note that once you make up your mind to free yourself of debt you must take that desicion not to acquire a new one.
- Establish an emergency fund: Save every extra cah you get. Destroy all credit cards and if you pay subscribsions for cable tv, cancel or reduce it (you are at work most times, so why pay full package). Are you subscribed to a nearby gym, cancel it. Do not tell yourself you need all these extras to make your LIFE comfortable. Reduce these extra expenses or stop them totally. You must then save regularly. Why save before paying off debt? Because you will need the experience and you would be able to cope with unexpected expenses. Keep this money in liquid but not easily accesible. It is not for beer, shoes, food etc. It can only be used when your car dies or you break an arm in a game of football.
- Implement a debt snowball: After you’ve stopped using credit, and after you’ve saved an emergency fund, then attack your existing debt. Attack it with vigor. Throw whatever you can at it. Many people say to pay your high interest debts first. There’s no question that this makes the most sense mathematically. But if money were all about math, you wouldn’t have debt in the first place. Money is as much about emotion and psychology as it is about math.Order your debts from lowest balance to highest balance. Designate a certain amount of money to pay toward debts each month. Pay the minimum payment on all debts except for the one with the lowest balance. Throw every other penny at the debt with the lowest balance. When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
Do these three steps and you would find yourself debt free in no time
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Defend your Budget and Attack your Expenses
A set budget, not well defended will soon be a losing budget. It will accommodate more than it was planned for and begin to cause problems for the individual that set it up. Remember that your Expenses will always try to outweigh your budget.
You must be in charge from the onset to put it (Expenses) at bay. Unforseen circumstanses might force the budget to expand but it will be understandable.
Remember to setup your budget, Defend it vigourously by attack your expenses.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Have a plan for Christmas?
Friday, October 10, 2008
What do you do with your extra cash when you get a payrise?
Saturday, October 04, 2008
When you get your Salary(income), who do you pay first?
Friday, October 03, 2008
The Nigerian Life: Something for Nothing
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
TAKEN from me - N1000 Movie
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One Decision That Can Make Anyone a Multi Millionaire
For most of us, having a million naira or more liquid — that is, available for our use at any time, and easily convertible into cash — is the stuff of big dreams. But after talking to a few of my friends about decisions they were making, I was able to easily articulate one way we can all have N1 million minimum — liquid, available cash — in our lifetimes.
Do you care about your Finance?
Making sure your financies are in a great shape is what we will be dicussing on this blog and I m certain this will be the reference point for personal finance in the next few weeks. Managing your income and expenditure helps greatly as little details might end up taking a chunk of your money.
I would stop at this point for, but remember to be financialy prudent.