Friday, July 30, 2010

You might be rich!!

How relieving! Not to know that you are actually rich. It could be unclaimed dividends, cheques or any other document kept somewhere and you don't know about it.

What to do to ensure you avoid such a situation for yourself or others is to ensure that all transactions are safely recorded and kept in a next of kin name.

This way, you can always secure the present and the future. You can never tell who the next poor - rich person would be.

It could be you!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Personal Tutoring is vital!!

Going through School is important, but if you really want to learn how to improve your financial you have to do it yourself. The key to your financial future actually rests with you.

You have to become aware of all avenue available to you to improve your financial status and learn how to exploit it.

This is vital to your success in any endeavour you embark on.

See you and good luck..

Monday, March 29, 2010

Where is your MONEY?

Do you know that at least 10% of the money you earn is YOUR's to KEEP!! Yes, it is quite true. Before you pay any bill from your pay you must as a matter of urgency keep at least 10%.

Its already Month end and you have just received an alert form your bank that your salary has been credited into your account.

Ideas flow into your head on how you intend to disburse it. You must always ensure to prioritise your spending in such a way that your bills are not more than what you earn.

That is the major of keeping track of how your money goes out of yhour purse.
