Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Wisest Investment You'll Ever Make

If you think this is about buying stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, jewels, etc., you're totally wrong! All of these can and are good investments, but your children are the wisest investment you'll ever make. Teaching your children to be well-rounded individuals will help them out in the long run to fit into and contribute to society. As they contribute in society this in turn helps out everyone, including you as a parent.
Giving your children the right skills and knowledge can be one of the most gratifying and wisest choices you'll every make. Think about it: Who is the one that should have the most influence on your children? It is a parent. Parents can work with their children at a young age helping them develop skills that will last a lifetime. These skills cannot be learnt overnight. As parents you must let your children see you applying the skills you are trying to teach them.

There are a number of areas in which parents can help their children develop. Some of these areas would include: a good work ethic, ability to work and interact with others in many settings, good ethics and respect for the laws of the land, good understanding of financial matters and learning at a young age to work toward financial independence.

A good work ethic is a skill that is developed over time. As an employer or business owner, you appreciate the efforts that are extended in your work or business. As an employee you should feel satisfaction in working hard and accomplishing whatever task you may be working on and in being honest with your employer. Employees that work hard will get noticed by their employer and treated accordingly.

Teach your children at a young age to work hard and do their chores. Young children should be given chores or small jobs to do. By doing this at a young age your children will learn responsibility and learn not to quit when the going gets rough. They must imbibe from a tender age the ability to work hard. Having a good work ethic will help determine what kind of earning power your children will have as adults. If your children can be taught these skills while they are young they are more likely to be financially secure in years to come.

Children that have been taught the skills of getting along with others in different social settings will have an advantage when they become adults. This advantage will come into play when they interact with other people in business, social, and financial settings. For example: In the business world you run into all kinds of people and you need to know how to act in order to be successful. These skills can be taught to young children by letting them interact with children similar in age and, as the children get older, be involved in activities with other children.

By doing this the children learn good social skills and witness different attitudes and types of people. The more your children have chances to interact with other children during their growing up years, the better their social skills are and the better they are at dealing with other people. During this time that your children interact with others you will want to visit with them to see if they have issues concerning the way other children act or behave. When you talk with your children you will help them understand the correct way to handle different situations that come up.

Helping your children to develop good ethics for country and laws of the land is very important. Good examples from parents are one of the main keys in helping your children develop these skills. If your children see you obeying the laws of the land, including paying your taxes, they will see that this important. If they see that you always jump the traffic light they will end up doing the same. Talk to your children about the laws of the land. Tell them that you may not always agree with all the laws, but nonetheless they are the laws and must be followed. Let them know that as citizens there is a process that can be followed to change the laws when we don't agree with them.

Discuss with your children why we pay taxes and what our taxes are used for. As your children understand that tax money is what supports the government and a lot of the programs we have in society, they will begin to understand the importance of paying taxes. It would also be good to discuss with your children areas in government where the money is not spent wisely. Let them know that the government is not fiscally responsible all the time. There are areas for improvement. Discuss with your children ways you or they can get involved in government of local issues. Volunteering time for community activities will help your children gain the spirit of community service. As your children serve in the community they are more likely to become better citizens and obey the laws of the land.

Financial independence is a goal we all should be working for. It is very important that you teach your children ways to become financially independent. They are most likely to learn these skills from you as the parents. While your children are young make them aware of what you are doing in your investments and long term financial planning. When your children get older let them get involved in your financial planning and help them to do some of their own investing. If you can start setting aside some money for your children shortly after they are born, they will then have some money to start investing when they get old enough to learn and take part.

You as the parents have the greatest opportunity to influence your children to become well-rounded individuals. If you are willing to invest in your children's future, they can develop a good work ethic, build good social skills, become outstanding citizens in their local communities and become financially independent. The investment is definitely worth it, because one day your children may be the leaders of the future.

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