You need to ask yourself, what are you spending time on?
Have you seriously thought about it? One of the biggest time killers is that black box that sits in your living room, bedroom, kitchen or den. Know what I am referring to? Yep, it’s your super sleek, shiny big flat screen TV! You are proud of your big black box, you carefully wipe it down with all the rest of your possessions, and it may even be the “ooh and ahh” focal point of your home when entertaining. Heck, you probably spent a pretty penny on it, so why not get your money’s worth out of it right? And you know what – there is nothing wrong with it. The question you may need to ask yourself is this: how many hours a day do you find yourself zoning out in front of the television? Is it only a couple of hours, or is it several hours in a day? Do you use your television as a way to escape the things that aren’t working for you in your life? If you do, you are not alone. Most people nowadays use the television as a way to entertain themselves, as a babysitter, and as a way to escape from life’s problems.
According to statistics, the average time a person spends watching television in the United States is twenty eight hours a week.
Wow! Those hours add up to a part time job! It is a little alarming to realize just how much time is wasted on TV. Would you like to be a lot more productive with your time and make more money in the process? If the answer is yes, you may be thinking “how can I make more money?” Stop watching so much television! Just think if you used those twenty eight hours differently. The possibilities are endless and you can even add additional income for you and your family!
You might be able to figure out how to make more money if you stop watching so much TV!
So what are the different ways that you can use all this new found time to generate more income?
For starters sit down with a pen and paper and figure out just what it is that interests you. What are you passionate about? What have you always wanted to try but just haven’t had the time? Do you enjoy writing or journalism? What about sewing or knitting? Do you have a passion for design? Are you a great cook? Why not come up with your own signature brand of homemade jam? You can use your skills and maybe even make a lot of money in the process. Have you thought of starting a side business? You could try your hand at consulting, or a blog, even Etsy. Are you musically inclined? You could teach music lessons from your home. Are you an expert in skin care and make-up? You could teach other women how to properly take care of their skin as well as teaching them how to properly apply their make-up. What about upgrading your education? Take some classes or go back to school full time in a career field that interests you. This will increase your level of knowledge and education and you will become a lot more marketable within your field.
If you are completely stuck about what to do, then some research on the Internet is a click away then you can discover what is in high demand —what do people want to buy? Then sit down and think of a way that you can produce what is in demand. You may just come up with the next great invention and become very successful!
These are just a few ideas on how you can increase your income level simply by just cutting down the number of hours you spend in front of your television. Who knows – you may just happen to find that pot of gold!
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